Thank You, Brother Ferd
From: Nikki

Brother Ferd!

Thank you very much to hear me out for all those days! I cannot thank you enough for your encouragement and support in the name of Jesus. Brother Ferd today was the first time I prayed with my mother in the name of Jesus!!! Hallelujah!!! There is power in the name of Jesus and His blood. Oh I love Him so much!!! Brother Ferd we have been going through some difficult times, and today I just had this very strong in my heart the Holy Spirit leading me to pray for my mother and with her and we did and I feel so happy I know that my prayer is already answered! There have been other prayers that I have prayed like for the health of my grandmother who is living very far from us. And it is absolutely miraculous how she was saved ... she had gotten really sick but because of my Father in Heaven she lives healthy today ... I am so happy I just want my Father to get the glory because its all His. We are all His! I never knew there was so much power available to followers of Jesus. If only we Believe!! I am ecstatic right now!! hehe.

Thank you very much,
I just really wanted to share this with you.
You are in my prayers.

Nikki, loves Jesus ... Because He first loved her ... 2jesus