He Sent His Word and Healed
From Andrews

Dearest Ferd,

I really thank the lord for you. I am glad that I am going to have a free bible.

May the Lord continue outpouring His Spirit on you so that you keep on producing some good teachings of the bible. I printed out some healing teachings from your web site on healing and there were a lot of things that I was messing up on before I went through the teachings. You know for the past four weeks I have had an attack on my health/body such that I felt pain 24 hours of the day, my feet started swelling so that walking became very difficult, my toes developed some painful blisters too so that I could not put on my shoes.

Just before I discovered your web site I was asking God, WHY me Lord, Why can't you heal me. BUT AFTER Reading your teachings, the direction of my prayers changed to praise, thanksgiving and confession. I declare that regardless of what I see or feel on my body I am healed totally and completely cured. God has healed me. He sent his word and has healed all my diseases, my sickness and infections. Your teachings have really benefited me very much and I praise God for that.

Join me as I Praise and Thank the Lord Jesus for the miracle that he has done to my life and body.

God Bless You.

Malawi, Africa

Its nice that the Lord has given me a brother like you. I will be communicating to you continually.

I am the lucky one to have Andrews as a brother ... Ferd@2jesus