Prayers Heal
From Gary

Late last year I submitted a prayer request for my father-in-law, Charles Sanford. He had been diagnosed with lung cancer in October. Without medical treatment he was given only 3-4 months to live. Even with treatment the outlook was grim. We chose to pray to the Living God first, while also seeking medical treatment.

In addition to your prayers, at 2jesus, Charlie's church in Texas and mine in Orlando prayed for his healing. His pastor prayed and fasted for 7 days asking Jesus to heal him. Also, the family and close friends across the country prayed at a designated time in unison for him.

I praise the Lord that our prayers were answered. He was just recently told his cancer was in full remission. Three others close to him, also battling cancer, have died over the last few months. God saw fit to spare him.

We pray for his health to continue to improve. Again, thank you and God bless and protect you.


Thank you Jesus ... You are always there for us. If we just call your name ... 2jesus.