All Things Are Possible!
by: Madeline Pettegrew

Praise the Lord Saints, First of all I want to give thanks and praise to God, my Father and His Son Jesus. I have been truly blessed by God. To me it was a miracle, some might not believe it. I had been praying for God to bless me with a baby for quite a few years now. In 1995 my mother passed away. In 1996 I lost a baby and I must say I was a the point of no return.

I was so lonely and I felt that God had completely turned His back on me. I sat around for days without eating. All I thought about was killing myself. I hated my life and everything about myself. I knew about God and His word. I prayed day in and day out for God to make a way for me. Only to find myself in the same situation I was in before I started praying. Something kept telling me that if God wasn't going to help my situation I must not be that important to Him.

It seemed logical at first. God said in His word that if I have the faith as the size of a mustard seed that I could move mountains. I took a bunch of pills one day and waited around to die. Nothing happened. I kept taking the pills and still nothing happened. I couldn't understand why I had taken so many pills and nothing happened. I didn't even feel drowsy. It was a mystery to me. I finally just fell down on my knees and cried out to God to please help me.

I told Him that I was standing on His promises and that I truly trusted that He would make a way out of no way. I told Him that if He would hear me from Heaven and answer my prayers that I would forever serve Him.

Well the other day I went to the doctor and took a pregnancy test, they told me it was negative. I went to another clinic and they too told me that I was not pregnant. But, believe it or not, thought the grace of God and His mercy on my soul I was not only pregnant, but I was pregnant with two beautiful, healthy, normal,babies. A boy and a girl. People were shocked and confused because when I told them I was pregnant they didn't believe due to the fact that I couldn't prove it.

See I knew I was because first and foremost, I asked God for it and He does not go against His promises. "Whatsoever ye shall ask in My name, believing ye shall receive." Secondly I had been feeling flutters inside my body. You see God has a way of working things out and man won't even understand how He did it.

Through it all God was there with me. I had the faith that He would do it for me, I just had to reach for it. Now my whole life revolves around serving God. I will tell the whole world and stand firm on what I say, that if you have faith that God can and will do just what He said He would do.

If there is someone out there that is struggling with anything and just might need some words of encouragement just email me: Remember that it may seem impossible to man,but to GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE FOR THEM THAT BELIEVE.


2jesus thanks Madeline for the testimony. Madeline had a 5.2 lb. girl and a 5 lb. boy. Both healthy and happy. A interesting side note to her story is that all through the pregnancy she tested negative as being pregnant. Also during the nine months she never missed a period.