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by: Tess Amick (14 years old)


I know someone who'll love you forever,
In His eyes you're a treasure,
He's easy to find,
He's a one of a kind,
He's known all over the world but He's not out for fame,
All you have to do is call His name,
He looks at you from the inside out,
He always knows the perfect route,
He has a great mind,
He's always kind,
He only wants your heart,
Once your together you'll never part,
He's very strong,
He's never wrong,
He'll be here forever,
What you want He'll deliver,
He's not at all shy,
He's a really great guy,
He'll always stand by you when times are tough,
Good Buddy, I'd like you to meet,
My best friend, JESUS!


God, is there anyone that fulfills the way you do?
The world's light; the world's hope; It's all you!
How can your wonders be put into words?
You're the Shepherd, and we're in the herds,
You love us with all your heart,
You've been there for us from the start,
No one here understands everything,
But we trust our God, the Father, the King!
We know you've got a plan, and work in our lives,
You see our ways and here our cries,
You give us broken hearts for the lost,
Jesus dies for us; it was the ultimate cost,
You're here for us the whole way long,
With you by our side we stay strong,
With our own will, we will make our lives a mess,
But your there to help; knowing you we're blessed,
We say, for You, we'd do anything,
But is that what we really mean?
If that we're true, so many lives would change,
But with you in us good is always arranged,
And when we read What Would Jesus Do?
We would look up in the sky and see You!!!
We would try hard to be what you want us to be,
Lord, God, please work in me!!

God: Have you read my best seller? There will be a test on it later!!

God's SON lights the way for the world!!!


Feeling His presence; knowing His grace,
Longing to see a smile on His face,
Loving His every gift,
Living the life He wants me to live,
Relishing everything in His word,
Obeying the things that I have heard,
Seeing the tears in His eyes,
From the cross, hearing His cries,
Holding His hand on my way,
Savoring the words that we will say,
Walking along side by side,
In his shadow I can hide,
Bowing down to His feet,
I've been blessed that we could meet,
Growing everyday in each other,
Like I love Him, I couldn't love another,
Talking with our hearts, not with our mouths,
Going to visit Him at His house,
Apologizing for my mistakes,
Then He excitedly opens the gates,
And invites me in,
Oh, Lord, what a life I'll be livin'!!!

God: Meet me at my house before the game!

God: We need to talk!

God: Need a marriage counselor? I'm available!

God: Say my name in vain again, and I'll make rush hour longer!


When I have nowhere to turn: nowhere to go,
I turn to God because He knows,
He's there for me when I am weak,
And generously gives me the comfort to seek,
He understands all and patiently listens,
When I scream and cry all till the end,
In His Word He gives me advice,
He gives me peace and opens my eyes,
He heals all my wounds ,
He'll come to get us all soon,
He gives me the will, when I'm about to give up,
He loves me without giving it a second thought,
When I get confused, He leads the way,
I know I'll be with Him in Heaven someday!


When you have faith,
He'll show you proof every day,
I know it's hard to believe,
But He's shown you what you need,
He'll answer your prayers,
And you can actually feel He cares,
Look at the wonders around you,
Creation, the things you can do,
Mountains, the sky, the ocean,
Animals, details, land, motion,
Colors, rainbows, flowers,trees,
Everything's proof-look around you & see,
It wasn't at all an accident; it's not a mistake,
Notice the wonders on your way today,
Then you'll see what I'm trying to say!


Jesus has changed so many lives,
When I got saved He opened my eyes,
I know He's with me and always near,
He protects me; I have nothing to fear,
When I was lost I was behind bars,
Then one through the stars,
The Holy Spirit came and got me,
It was as if I had been set free,
I have a sense of comfort,
But it's not like I never get hurt,
But when I do His big arms,
Are around me to keep from more harm,
Now life's so much more important,
Things that had never meant
Anything before now mean everything,
I know where I'll be for eternity,
I'll be in Heaven,
Do you know what gift I have been given?
God has a plan for everyone,
He wants us to have tons of fun,
It's like a pizza's my life,
And my salvation's the best slice,
Picture Heaven as your destiny,
The clouds part and the angels sing,
Jesus was calling me,
And I answered, I've never been so happy,
So brush off your Bible dust,
And get to know Jesus!


We take so many things for granted,
Our lives are truly enchanted,
We've got so much to be thankful for,
But greedy people just whine for more,
They're so consumed with what they want,
That they forget all they have,
Rich unhappy people have been blessed,
But some people are very happy with less,
Those people don't even have what they need,
They don't worry about cars, clothes, or jewelry,
Those people have faith,
God will get them through the day,
Those people are Christians,
They've repented for they're sins,
They've shown the Lord so much love,
They'll be blessed with riches from above,
We all need to be thankful as we're living,
And remember to keep on giving,
Life's full of many wonderful gifts,
And we're blessed no matter how you see it!


Deep inside of everyone's heart,
There's a special part,
It's reserved for a special love,
A love so strong; It's from above,
When you and Jesus meet,
The part is filled; your soul's complete,

But as for those that don't love Him,
They ignore the Light;their lives stay dim,
You cans see the hurt in their face,
Because only Jesus can fill that space,
They all keep on searching,
But miss out on His love, peace, and nurturing,
All they have to do is invite Him in,
Worship, love, and repent of their sin,
And they would have everlasting peace,
They could have blessings from the God Almighty,
Don't be like them; don't turn away,
Look up to Heaven and truthfully say,
Lord, I love you, and this is my goal,
Come in me and reach the corners of my soul,
Amaze me with all that you do,
God, I give my life unto you!!

I don't think there is any doubt that is what Tess Amick did ... 2jesus thanks her for the beautiful testimoney.