Jesus My Healer
by: Norm and Betty Ryan

Dear children of the Lord:

I was saved by Jesus about 5 years ago. The gifts of Love he has blessed me with are numerous. I titled this as Jesus is my healer, my dentist, my co-pilot driver, my way of living. As I told my mother recently, even without the money for Drs. and dentists, I rely on Jesus and he is my Dr. and all. At my age I have all the wealth in the world with a great husband of 38 yrs, 3 terrific children as adults now, with 3 beautiful grandchildren, and of course the family grew as they all got married. My husband and I are both disabled, but we are the richest people I know. Jesus is coming, and our eternity with him is what I live for now. Praise God. I do believe the Holy Spirit is with me always as I pray for each day. Maybe some of you feel as I do, I'm in this world, but I am not of it. I am a child of God as we all are. As I pray for others to be closer to Him, Praise and Glory.

Betty Ryan

PS I like your web site title---very true. 2Jesus we should all go. Amen.

Thank you Betty. 2jesus does not feel they are disabled at all ... And I know Jesus doesn't.