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Our Business
by: Rich Porter

We started our own business 5 years ago. I quit my job and didn't know what I would do to support my family. For four months we asked God about a specific idea, and finally He answered. We asked if we should proceed, and He said "Just do something, and I will bless it". Since then our business has grown each year, and we have received favor from many people. We have always honored God with our tythe, and through this business He provided for us to give offerings for the first time. Now, we are able to give a good portion of our income for the ministry all because we honor God first and above all else in our family and business. We have received the benefits we were looking for because we trusted our Creator. We are home with our kids, home school, and can guide them to Christ without the influences of the world since we set our schedule. We have our needs met, and have seen many answers to prayer for financial increase, etc. all because we simply ask God to meet our needs and stand on His unfailing promise to do so. I am excited because He is ever faithful and now our whole family knows how good the Lord is first hand! My idea of success is meeting with and talking with God every day, and as many times as I can. Money, trips, and the material things matter less each day I walk closer with the Lord because the wonderful touch of Jesus in my life can't be matched by anything on this earth. Instead, the cares of this world are seen for what they really are - distractions from God.