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Blood of the Lamb
by: Ira R. Jamison
My name is Ira and I'm 52 y.o. I am saved by the blood of the Lamb, sanctified (set apart from the world) by the Word of the Lord and am filled with the Holy Spirit. I want to give a message to those of you that might have a problem in their life and it seems like you can't find the answer. His name is Jesus Christ. In the New Testement book St. John Chap. 14, Verse 6 "Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father (God), but by me. And the reason we can come to God just as we are is found in the Old Testement book of Lamentations Chap. 3 Vers. 21-23 "This I recall to my mind, therefore have I HOPE. It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed (dead), because his compassions FAIL not. They are New EVERY MORNING: great is thy FAITHFULLNESS. I just want to thank God for His mercy because if it were not for His mercy I would have been dead a long time ago. But thanks be to God alone he gave us eternal life through the blood of his dear son Jesus Christ son of the Living God.
Yours in Christ,
Ira Jamison