Weary and tired a days work is gone
I fall sound asleep with the lights left on
Your wonderful letters lay open face up
I was reading about your unbearable cup
The torture you went through, how can it be
Your death on that cross, it was just for me
You rose from the dead to give us new life
Free from all sorrow and burden and strife
Your gift called grace, makes my spirit new
My sleep is so sweet with visions of you.
This morning sun shines with its golden rays
Let your heart rejoice in wonderful ways
Belong to the Lord, continue to pray
Nothing will harm you the rest of your days
The Lord, He protects His children, that's so
His band of angels with trumpets they blow
They fly around us and therefore we know
That He is with us wherever we go
With Jesus inside, there is nothing to fear
No need to be scared or to cry a tear
My spirit rejoices for He is near
Accept His comfort, His voice you will hear
He says, "Don't be scared and loud we must sing."
As the angels make all of heaven ring
Their voices so pretty like birds in spring
Mighty our Father all hail to the King.
Sent in by Robert D. Pepe.
Robert, wrote these ... I think he was was lead by the Holy Spirit ... 2jesus.
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