From: David Otu, Nigeria

One day l was bored and had nothing to do or read ... l called out, "Does anyone have anything to read?" Within 2 minutes someone tossed a Bible to me under my hostel door ... l looked at it and READ it and was touched by what l read and decided to accept the Lord as my personal Lord and Saviour. How amazing l could know God is calling me and because of the things l had suffered, and was suffering, loss of my family etc l turned to Christ, to be in complete union with Him in will, attitude, in love, in assurance of God's love. "Sanctification" or "union with God" is the fullness of the blessing purchased for me by His precious blood.The presence of the Holy Spirit was clearly evident and pesent in me after l had read that Bible as such l cried to God. Let the one who put this BIBLE here, (2jesus.org / Ferd Sebastian) know that his materials are out here and being used as l renewed my faith by reading your Bible. This is my story that got me saved and was set free because of this Bible and now God has called me, and is preparing me to fulfill all of the fullness of that call. l now move from houses, offices, bus stops hospitals telling people about Jesus. We praise His holy name today for him Jesus and the great privilege of knowing Him.

From David Otu

David, now a soldier of the Cross ... 2jesus