Praise the Living, Almighty God!
From Bro. Paul Ciniraj

My Dear Saints of GOD, Praise be to JESUS Holy Name!

My 12 year old daughter Hepzy was unconscious about 30 hours. Myself, my wife Mercy, our boys Besly and Lesly knelt down before our LORD around her bed and was praying with full of tears. My sons had been recovered from the trouble; and were with us at the same room. We were sure that hundreds of the children of GOD like you were praying for Hepzy with tears at that time.

When we were praying we saw Hepzy's face became so bright. Though her eyes were closed, but smiled with full of Joy. Quickly she lifted her hands up and was trying to catch something. We assured she is departing from us. My wife and children cried aloud. I tried to control, but couldn't.

Duty doctors and sisters rushed into the room hearing our cries. Doctor was attempting to check her pulse. But before he was checking the pulse Hepzy got up automatically from the bed. Her hands were up and we clearly felt that she was holding something in the space. She was calling "YESHU APPACHAA ...., YESHU APPACHAA ...." in our mother tongue. (Yeshu=JESUS; Appacha=ABBA). Then she opened her eyes. She looked into her hands with an amazement, then looked up to the space, again to the hands and fingering a point, said: "AVIDE YESHU APPACHAN!" (There is ABBA JESUS). I hold her hands and called her by name. Without any problem she recognized all of us. She realized that she is in the hospital. It was about 1'O Clock at midnight.

She wanted to eat something. So doctor checked her thoroughly. And asked us to feed her something light. She is having little temperature. Doctor prescribed a tablet and she had it. Before go to the bed we praised our LORD together. Hepzy praised the LORD and prayed with a new power. PRAISE THE LORD! OUR GOD IS THE LORD OF MIRACLES! LIVING GOD! MIGHTY SAVIOUR!

Now Hepzy is taking rest. Mercy, Besly and Lesly are with her. I came home to convey this miraculous news of our Mighty LORD answered the prayers of precious and spirit filled children of GOD like yourself for Hepzy and gave her life back for HIS glorification. Please pray that our LORD may make use of her as HIS witness to win many unto HIS fold.

No! I will never turn back from the LORD. At any cost winning the Muslim world and the third world unto the Salvation of JESUS is my ultimate aim. The death may embrace me. Doesn't matter! For to me to live is CHRIST and to die is gain.

Once again thank you for your valuable prayers and timely sending the messages of encouragement. We have only few people praying for us and asking our about us. In which you are the one. I will never forget it. May GOD give you reward and bless you, your family, your colleagues and your ministry. We always will be remembering you in our prayers.

Yours friend and brother, Bro. PAUL CINIRAJ